Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I took the leap, put myself out "there", tried to ask questions....what did I get? Nothing.

A little backstory....

My mother was sixteen when she found out she was pregnant with me, seventeen and married when she gave birth.  Married to a man two years older than her and completely unwilling and unprepared to be a father.  He beat her and abandoned our little family.  I don't remember him, pictures are my only link to him.  I imagine, I could walk by him in the street and never know it was him.  From the day he left, I have never heard from him, no calls, no cards on my birthday, no child support.  Nothing.

My mother divorced BF (biological father) and married my dad.  He and his family adopted me, legally and emotionally.  I have never felt as though I were an outsider or that I was any different than my brother and sister.

Every now and then I would find myself wondering about BF, where was he, did I have other siblings, did he care or even miss me?  As I grew up, I contemplated finding him, seeking him and his world out.  My mom told me she heard he had passed away, but she wasn't sure.  I tried on several occasions to track him down, but knowing little more than a name made it difficult.  I got nowhere fast.

Fast foward....sitting in a new Dr's office filling out the paperwork, Father's Family History...and it hit me....I have no idea.  Cancer runs on my mother's side...does it on my father's side? Diabetes? Heart problems? I have no idea the kind of health conditions that could curse me later in life.  I knew I had to try again to reach out and find my long lost family.

Facebook has made it easier to search for people and spy on the unsuspecting.  I entered his name in the search section....I located some young man with a very nice looking family in middle America, but not a middle aged man.  I searched just his last name and came up with hundreds of potential relatives.  I came up with a few people with the same surname that lived in the area he grew up in, of course none of their profiles said they were related to him.  Or listed him as a friend.  Frustrated, I hit up Google and typed in one of the names that had a picture that looked somewhat similar to him.

What I found next, had me excited and sad all at once.  An obituary of the man who was my paternal grandfather.  Listed in the survived by section was my BF's name and the names of his siblings.  I plugged in the names of several relatives in Facebook and found some results.  I sent a message to my aunt (his sister) and nothing....  Fast forward 3 months...

I found an address for this same aunt and yesterday, well early this morning...I sent her a letter.  Time will tell what happens.

Until then.....

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